Friday, January 29, 2010

1. Why do you think evaluation of CALL courseware, websites, materials etc important?

Basically to me it is important because it help to determine the quality of a certain courseware and websites. To me using a courseware and websites as parts of teaching aids is somewhat interesting in classroom. Most importantly maybe it can attract students to participate and to learn. However, in choosing an appropriate courseware and websites materials is important as well as it let us to decide whether or not the materials is suitable to be used in Malaysian context. By evaluating them as well, we are able to identify the weakness of the materials. Hey nothing is perfect in this world rite?? Hence, I do believe that recommendations and suggestions are important to tackle with such weakness. Who knows maybe one day one of us is able to form or create our own courseware or websites materials to teach language.

2. How do you think Hot Potatoes JCloze may help your students learn English?

To me, new method or approaches need to be introduced to help students to learn language in a more meaningful ways. The Ministry of Education had focus on using the old method which is the pen and paper to teach for quite sometimes now and the result is not very satisfying so why not we try new methods that may or may not works. Hey we would know until we actually tried it rite?? Therefore, using this new method, the Hot Potatoes JCloze is maybe what best to tackle with the students interest in learning. The big question here is how to trigger the students interest and so far the old method does not seems to work as it only made the students feels bored in class. Using Hot Potatoes JCloze will enable the teacher to enhance their creativity to an extend where they will be able to introduce new learning pattern which could not be found in the textbooks.


  1. Yes, it is easy to put anything on a website thus, evaluation is vital.

  2. I couldn't agree more with you Prof..
